Ed Nuttall:

Not a real Democrat.

Not the right choice for Commonwealth’s Attorney.

Ed Nuttall wants people to believe he upholds Democratic values, but he is financed by deep-pocket Republicans. Rather than fight for justice, Nuttall fights against reproductive freedom and for police officers that harm our neighbors.

Ed Nuttall:

Not a real Democrat.

Not the right choice for Commonwealth’s Attorney.

Ed Nuttall wants people to believe he upholds Democratic values, but he is financed by deep-pocket Republicans. Rather than fight for justice, Nuttall fights against reproductive freedom and for police officers that harm our neighbors.

Ed Nuttall will prosecute abortions.

Steve Descano will always defend reproductive rights.

"My Governor Can Pass Bad Abortion Laws. But I Won’t Enforce Them."

New York Times | OPed

Steve Descano


Ed Nuttall’s Big Fundraiser:

But When You Follow
The Money...

You See Who Is Really Supporting Nuttall...

Republican PACS, Republican Mega Donors, and Republican officials

Steve Descano

Values and Priorities



  • Hold police accountable
  • Protect reproductive rights

Root out racial bias in our justice system

  • Invest in and create new diversion programs to help those suffering from addiction
  • Focus on making our system more just and safe

Uphold our Democratic values

Values and Priorities

  • 1. Hold police accountable

Steve Descano

Ed Nuttall

2. Protect reproductive rights

Steve Descano

Ed Nuttall

3. Root out racial bias in our justice system

Steve Descano

Ed Nuttall

4. Invest in and create new diversion programs to help those suffering from addiction

Steve Descano

Ed Nuttall

5. Focus on making our system more just and safe

Steve Descano

Ed Nuttall

6. Uphold our Democratic values

Steve Descano

Ed Nuttall

Paid for and Authorized by Friends of Steve Descano